It includes all important components of the cited source, such as author name, title, publisher, publish date, page numbers, website URL, and DOI-the digital object identifier that acts as the document’s permanent ID on the internet. Consult the APA handbook directly for more guidance.Full citations come at the end of the paper in the bibliography section. Quick tip: If you're writing for a professional context, you'll also need to add an Author Note with your ORCiD link and any conflicts of interest at the bottom of your title page.
Highlight your text and select Center align in this menu to center everything. You can find Google Docs' alignment options in the toolbar at the top of the page. If you're a student, you also need to add the course number and name, your instructor's name, and the due date.Īll this information should be centered in the upper-half of the first page. It needs to include the paper's title in bold, your name, and your "institutional affiliation" - the school or organization that you're writing for.
Probably the most important part of an APA paper is the title page. Your paper needs a title page with your name, paper title in bold, "institutional affiliation," and more.Remember that they need to be the same font and font size as the rest of your paper. You can add automatic page numbers through the Insert menu, and then double-click the header to add your title on the left if needed. Google Docs lets you add headers to any page.

If you're a student, you may only need the page number. Quick tip: If you're writing for a professional context, your header should include a title and page number on every page. Every page needs a header with the paper's title in the top-left, and the page number in the top-right.Highlight all the text in your document, then select Double in this menu to turn on double-spacing. Meanwhile, you can enable double-spacing with the Line & paragraph spacing menu in the toolbar above your document. If you want to double-check or change them anyway, you can change the margins using the Page Setup menu or ruler feature. Your entire document needs to have one-inch margins and double-spaced lines.Īll Google Docs documents have one-inch margins by default, so you probably don't need to worry about that.Your font and font size need to be readable.